
you are correct, in /etc/network/interfaces i have interface eno1
configured with DHCP and after removing configuration system shutdown

Thank you!


2017-07-19 20:50 GMT+02:00 Christian Seiler <christ...@iwakd.de>:
> Hi,
> (I'm one of the maintainers of the open-iscsi package in Debian.)
> On 07/19/2017 07:40 AM, Franz Angeli wrote:
>> i have one diskless server able to boot with ISCSI, uefi is configures
>> to reach iscsi target and volume correctly;
>> i installed Debian 9 with debian installer ad all works fine, at the
>> end of installation process i remount root filesystem with (chroot
>> /target) and edit initaramfs.conf with:
>> IP=******1.mk*******.it:eno1
>> and after i update initramfs with:
>> update-initramfs -u
>> system boot correctly and works fine.
>> Problem is during shutdown, system hanging with:
>> a stop job is running for ifup for eno1
>> a stop job is running for Raise network interfaces
>> and i have to reset the server...
>> I know i can do the same with:
>> "ISCSI_AUTO=true" on /etc/iscsi/iscsi.initramfs
>> but i need a static IP configured as i do.
> Do you perhaps also have something in /etc/network/interfaces or
> /etc/network/interfaces.d, perhaps even DHCP configured? Because
> if that takes over IP configuration and systemd kills the DHCP
> client (which in turn removes the IP of the interface at
> shutdown), then you'll see a hang because the network is gone
> even though you still need it.
> (ifupdown _should_ detect rootfs on iSCSI and not try to down
> the interface by script, but the SIGTERM from systemd might
> cause the dhcp client to drop the IP anyway.)
> (Also note that you'd need to reboot twice after changing this
> to test if that works.)
> Regards,
> Christian

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