Hi, i have one diskless server able to boot with ISCSI, uefi is configures to reach iscsi target and volume correctly;
i installed Debian 9 with debian installer ad all works fine, at the end of installation process i remount root filesystem with (chroot /target) and edit initaramfs.conf with: IP=******1.mk*******.it:eno1 and after i update initramfs with: update-initramfs -u system boot correctly and works fine. Problem is during shutdown, system hanging with: a stop job is running for ifup for eno1 a stop job is running for Raise network interfaces and i have to reset the server... I know i can do the same with: "ISCSI_AUTO=true" on /etc/iscsi/iscsi.initramfs but i need a static IP configured as i do. Some suggestion? Thanks in advance