On 06/24/2017 01:19 AM, Felix Miata wrote:
> Is firmware-misc-nonfree installed?


> https://wiki.debian.org/NewInStretch (at the bottom):
> Try 'apt install xserver-xorg-legacy'. Whether that is simply about setuid or
> more I haven't figured out, and likewise, how Stretch decides whether to use 
> the
> intel or the modeset driver.
> Use of the intel driver can be forced (tested here on i965Q) by creating:
> File:
> /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-use-intel-gfx-driver.conf
> Containing:
>     Section "Device"
>       Identifier "somestring"
>       Driver  "intel"
>     EndSection
> It may or may not need to include any of the following if you experience 
> visible
> disruption:
>       Option  "AccelMethod"   "sna"
>       Option  "AccelMethod"   "uxa"
>       Option  "TearFree"      "true"

Felix, thanks for the tips!  I had missed the wiki page.  Since my
graphics performance is fine as before, I'll just hit ctl-alt-F7 when
coming back from blanked screen to resume my session.

At your suggestion, I'm re-doing my firefox setup, re-install, fresh
profile, eliminate extensions, etc.  Report to follow.

Anyone have ideas on the non-functioning sound volume keys (in original


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