On 8 June 2017 at 17:57, Michael Fothergill <michael.fotherg...@gmail.com>

> On 8 June 2017 at 17:52, David DLC <drvr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thank you for the info on the mailing address.
>> > The #debian bot currently recommends <http://sf.net/projects/win32d
>> iskimager/>
>> > if you need to write the Debian install image to a USB device from
>> > Windows.
>> I actually used that program to write the ISO to the USB stick the first
>> time I tried it, but it didn't work.
>> > I have found that I needed to repeat usb stick iso file burning or
>> whatever term you use for it; sometimes it didn't work ie wouldn't boot
>> from it the first time - try wiping the stick and using Rufus again to burn
>> the iso onto it and have > another go.
>> I tried to rewrite the file, but it still did not work correctly. I don't
>> know what is going on. I can't get the Debian installation page to appear,
>> no matter what I do.
> ​Find a buddy who has an external DVD drive......
> Attach it to your machine, burn the iso to a DVD and then boot from
> it...........
> Cheers
> MF​

​PS If you have a buddy who uses Linux distros ask them to see if they can
get your usb stick to work in their machine ie you can boot debian from it.

Some usb sticks are easier than others to boot from I have found.....

​Once you know that stick works, try it on your machine.

If that still doesn't work, then go for the external drive plan B option





>> On Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 11:17 AM, Greg Wooledge <wool...@eeg.ccf.org>
>> wrote:
>>> On Thu, Jun 08, 2017 at 11:08:32AM -0500, David DLC wrote:
>>> > Thank you for all the replies! I haven't really used a mailing list
>>> before,
>>> > so I'm not 100% sure I'm responding to the correct location. Do I hit
>>> > "reply all" or just reply to the debian-user@lists.debian.org address?
>>> For this mailing list, you are expected to reply only to the list
>>> address,
>>> unless the person to whom you're replying explicitly requests personal
>>> responses.  (This is different from most other technical support mailing
>>> lists in the world, where the expectation is "reply all".)
>>> > Anyway, I have disabled secure boot, but that didn't seem to solve the
>>> > problem. My computer does not have a DVD drive, so I put the ISO (
>>> > debian-8.8.0-amd64-netinst.iso) on a USB stick. When booting my
>>> computer, I
>>> > specifically click "use a device", then "USB Drive (UEFI)". The
>>> computer
>>> > runs for a minute, then pops up the error message. I don't think boot
>>> order
>>> > would change this, as I am booting specifically from the USB. I forgot
>>> to
>>> > mention that I am attempting to dual boot my computer, so I don't wish
>>> to
>>> > remove Windows completely.
>>> If you used Windows to put the ISO image onto the USB stick, it's
>>> quite possible it wasn't done correctly.
>>> The #debian bot currently recommends <http://sf.net/projects/win32d
>>> iskimager/>
>>> if you need to write the Debian install image to a USB device from
>>> Windows.
>>> If you're doing it from a Unix/Linux system, then follow the
>>> instructions at <http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/amd64/ch04s03>.

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