On 7 April 2017 at 19:27, David Niklas <do...@mail.com> wrote:

> On  Mon, 13 Mar 2017 12:30:11 -0700
> Patrick Bartek <nemomm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > The Linux mantra has always been "choice," plethoras of choices. So why
> > at install time, is there no choice for the init system?  You get what
> > the developers decide. Yes, you can install a new one -- I've done it
> > and it works -- but only after the install.  It'd be a lot easier, if
> > there were a choice to begin with just like whether you want a GUI and
> > which one.
> >
> > Now, I know with LFS, you get to choose everything, etc.  But is a
> > choice of init at install time so outrageous that no one ever
> > considered it or is it technically unfeasible or something else.
> >
> > Just curious.
> >
> Because this reply is so late I'm CC'ing you off list.
> I sympathize, I run Gentoo Linux and us OpenRC. I plan on running Devuan,
> a Debain derivative that supports lots of different init systems.
> Why no one looks at their project and sees the people involved when
> making a statistic up for the amount of dissatisfied systemd users I don't
> know.
> Sincerely,
> David
​I have been reading through some of this stuff and I think that the debian
users who are fans of the sysinit boot up scripts should switch to running

I use Gentoo with the openrc option.

Those who are OK with systemd should stick with Debian.



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