On Thu, Apr 06, 2017 at 12:35:37PM +0100, Joe wrote:

> If I was a paid admin looking after multiple servers, yes, that's the
> obvious thing to do. But this isn't my job, and I can't afford to buy a
> second set of hardware, so the only practical test is to actually do
> it.

Second set of hardware is a false requirement. Go to, say,
http://nosupportlinuxhosting.com and rent a VM for $1/month and set up your
server there. Make it work. If you insist on physical hardware, you can then
clone the working setup back to your physical server.
Carl Fink                           nitpick...@nitpicking.com 

Read my blog at blog.nitpicking.com.  Reviews!  Observations!
Stupid mistakes you can correct!

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