My reply went initially in error to Catherine privately because she had sent a 
copy to me privately.  I wish people would stick to teh CoC and not cc 

On Thursday 23 March 2017 18:20:39 Catherine Gramze wrote:
> Sent from my iPad
> > On Mar 23, 2017, at 2:03 PM, Steve McIntyre <> wrote:
> >
> > Please calm down, why the aggression? :-(
> Lisi is incensed with my suggestion that the netinst installer should
> refuse to continue if no network card is recognized and configured. She
> sincerely believes Debian is, and should be, only for expert users. My
> suggestion in no way detracts from the ability of an expert to perform the
> type of installation they want, while eliminating a major source of
> "failed" installations where beginners end up with a base system only
> installed.
> They presume some large number of expert users want to use netinst to get a
> base system only server installation with no network capability. I find it
> ludicrous; what about the server packages they need and security updates?
> No, it is really about keeping it harder than it needs to be to begin using
> Debian, preferring that those inferior, inexpert people use Mint or Ubuntu,
> as Lisi has admitted she wants.
> Cathy

This is of course incorrect.  But I doubt that I could refute it without 
appearing aggressive again. :-(

It does indeed incense me that Catherine should demand that the net installer, 
which I and many use all the time, should refuse to do something because  
Catherine doesn't want it to do it.

There are loads of Debian DVDs that do most - all??  I don't use the DVDs - of 
what Catherine wants.  And I think that the Live CDs could helpfully be easy 
for newbies, but if we haven't got the developer time, we haven't got the 
developer time.  


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