> Do you mean to suggest that you know that this bug is confirmed to exist
> in Debian and has already been reported?

Yes, that is. See here:


You can test it this way:

1. Move ~/.config/menus* somewhere
2. Start LXDE, no more menus.
3. Install libfm-extra4-1.2.3-1 and start LXDE again, menus are newly created.
4. Verify

The last working version is 1.2.4-1 from kali.

If it is correct, what Andriy told and there were no code changes, then I 
suggest, just to use the 1.2.4-1 version and create a package, with a version 
higher than 1.2.5-1. 

I am just building a live file system of kali linux (LXDE) by putting a self 
rebuild 1.2.5-2-version into live-build-config/config/packages-chroot/ and 
this will be overwrite the one from the repo.

If it works (what I will see in a few hours), I will report.

Happy hacking


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