Am Sonntag, 22. Januar 2017, 23:57:59 CET schrieb kamaraju kusumanchi:

> Update from which version to which version? What version of LXDE shows
> this bug? Can you provide a link to the kali-linux bug report?
See here:
> > Do the LXDE developers know of this? Shall we file another bugreport to
> > the
> > LXDE maintainers?

Yes, they are.
> I do not see anything like this reported at
>;dist=unstable .
> So it is possible that the maintainers are not aware of this.

Search for a bugreport for libfm-extra4.

> As to whether the bug has to be reported in Debian, the answers is
> that it depends. If the bug exists in the version that is carried by
> Debian, then it makes sense to report it. Also, check if the upstream
> (i.e authors of lxde) are aware of this and if it is fixed in future
> versions.

see above.
> hope that helps
> raju



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