On Saturday 04 June 2016 19:06:01 Gene Heskett wrote: > Thank you for the link Lisi, I believe it was helpful in showing me that > at my age, I am finally in over my head,
Many years ago now I had that salutary lesson - at a MUCH younger age. My six year old son was musically gifted. There is an exam in music theory (Grade 5) which is/was a necessary prerequisite for getting anywhere in classical music over here. He got 99 or 98 out of 99. Most of the theory was double dutch to me, and I did feel that I ought at least to know what my son was talking about, so I did the exam myself. The person teaching me said. "He is way ahead of you, and you know that you will never catch him up don't you, let alone overtake him? So I hope that that is not your aim." The first time I ever said to my son "I don't know darling, you will have to ask Jane Doe" he was around twenty months old. I think he may read this list. I don't think he has been told the first of those before - and he probably doesn't remember the second. Even Einstein won't have known everything. We two are still trying to learn. Let us hope we are succeeding, anyhow some of the time, so we are not yet brain-dead, merely not omniscient. Join the club, Gene. It's nice to have you on board. ;-) Omniscience is SO wearing. ;-) Lisi I have it on the best of authority - a local medical specialist - that no-one can live for ever, three score years and ten is man's allotted span, 83 is already 13 years more. Go away and shut up. Well, that last wasn't put _quite_ like that, only almost - but the rest is verbatim.