Jörg-Volker Peetz wrote on 06/03/16 20:09:
> Hi,
> Gene Heskett wrote on 06/03/16 13:14:
>> Greetings all;
>> I re-added the amd64 architecture to the architecture's in dpkg/synaptic, 
>> but the package -> force-version remains stubbornly ghosted, so I cannot 
>> fix any broken patckages that are preventing the install of any updates.
>> So I try to have dpkg remove the amd64 aarchitecture, but now get a 
>> database is locked error.  The system is working, quite stably, but I 
> Using aptitude I would command
>   aptitude purge '~ramd64'

Sorry, this should be

  aptitude purge '~i~ramd64'

> and maybe
>   aptitude purge '~c'
> which should remove leftover config files from packages previously removed.
> Then again
>   dpkg --remove-architecture amd64
> Regards,
> jvp.
>> cannot update anything.  A dpkg -C spits out about 60 files in error, 
>> all tagged :amd64.
>> What are the steps I should take to fix this?
>> Cheers, Gene Heskett

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