Curt <> wrote:
> On 2016-05-07, Lisi Reisz <> wrote:

>> Has anyone got the 32 bit file of  If so, are you 
>> willing to send it to me?  Please, if you do, could you tell me which 
>> version 
>> it is.  Thank you.

> Quickly looking at this it seems that 
> google-chrome-stable_48.0.2564.116-1_i386.deb
> was the last 32 bit version, which you can find here


> and simply extract the file which is found in opt.

Which also means that since there will be no new Chrome-32bit versions,
there will also be no new 32bit Pepper Flash versions, making you more
and more vulnerable as time passes.

The correct action would be to remove everything Flash from your 32bit
system or switch to a 64bit one.


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