On 2016-05-07, Lisi Reisz <lisi.re...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Has anyone got the 32 bit file of libpepflashplayer.so?  If so, are you 
> willing to send it to me?  Please, if you do, could you tell me which version 
> it is.  Thank you.
> Lisi
Quickly looking at this it seems that 
was the last 32 bit version, which you can find here


and simply extract the libpepflashplayer.so file which is found in opt.

Hypertext--or should I say the ideology of hypertext?--is ultrademocratic and
so entirely in harmony with the demagogic appeals to cultural democracy that
accompany (and distract one’s attention from) the ever-tightening grip of 
plutocratic capitalism. - Susan Sontag

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