On Wed, 30 Mar 2016 01:11:50 +0200
deloptes <delop...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Terence wrote:
> > As for "Germany is still officially occupied by the USA" I rather think
> > that they would disagree! The military occupation of Germany ended in
> > 1945...
> What ended in your mind might not be true.
> There is no piece treaty with Germany and USA. There is the so called 2+4
> treaty (1990 I believe). If you look closer you would find a lot of
> interesting/debatable facts around this treaty. It covers a formal piece
> treaty, but is not such and the goal is to preserve what was established
> via the "Grundgesetz" which means "basic low" and is translated as
> constitution, but is not, because constitution is "Verfassung". The
> constitution is from the people and in the name of the people, which
> the "Grundgesetz" is not exactly.
> It is debatable why Germany does not have real constitution 70y after the
> WWII but it is a fact.
> The fact is that the "basic law" imposed by the Allies after 1945 (I think
> it was signed 49) is still the official constitution of Germany.

The constitution of the DDR, on the other hand, was based on the original 
Weimar Constitution, with some more Marxist-Leninist additions after 1970.

> > 
> > Remember, internet search engines are your friend!
> I prefer the books my friend and urge you to do so. Amazing facts you'll
> find ;-). Facts that contradict massmedia and official state propaganda.
> I know it might be painful for some of you, as it was for me, but well I did
> my part in research, it's up to you to do yours.
> The most shocking for me is that most of the interpretation of history we
> had in school or I watched on TV is crap for one reason or another.

Such is the nature of capitalism. Hardly surprising.

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