On 03/21/2016 12:22 AM, Wolf Halton wrote:
Sudo -i opens a session as root with environment as if you did su - except your non-root admin user doesn't have to know the root password.
Hmm...I wasn't aware of that particular switch....don't need su anymore that way. Next install may be su-less:-)
Wolf Halton
Atlanta Cloud Technology
Cybersecurity & Disaster Recovery Solutions
Mobile/Text 678-687-6104

Sent from my iPhone. Creative word completion courtesy of Apple, Inc.

On Mar 21, 2016, at 00:30, Michael Milliman <michael.e.milli...@gmail.com <mailto:michael.e.milli...@gmail.com>> wrote:

On 03/20/2016 03:26 AM, Adam Wilson wrote:
On Sat, 19 Mar 2016 19:30:57 +0000
Joe <j...@jretrading.com <mailto:j...@jretrading.com>> wrote:

On Sat, 19 Mar 2016 19:57:56 +0100
Sven Arvidsson <s...@whiz.se <mailto:s...@whiz.se>> wrote:

On Sat, 2016-03-19 at 18:38 +0000, Joe wrote:
I've never seen sudo installed by default in any Debian, and I
begin with expert minimal netinstalls of stable, and I've never
seen it offered as an option there. My first two actions on
reboot are to install sudo and mc.
    By default you are asked to provide a password for the “root”
    (administrator) account and information necessary to create one
    regular user account. If you do not specify a password for the
    “root” user this account will be disabled but the sudo package
will be installed later to enable administrative tasks to be carried
out on the new system.

From https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/amd64/apas03.html.en

OK, I didn't know that.

When you carry out a net install (or any installation, in fact) if you
decline to provide a root password then sudo is automatically installed
and configured for you, with the first user you create able to become
root with sudo.

This is all explained in the installer at the root password stage-
there is no need to install sudo manually post-installation.

If you want sudo, just don't provide a root password in the
On the other hand, I use both su and sudo. If I have a protracted session with several different tasks that I need to complete all requiring root access I su to the root user. If on the other hand, I only need to perform a single command, or so, I use sudo. Both have their uses, though as already noted, Debian generally does one or the other as a default. I install with a root password, and then bring in the sudo package post-installation.



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