On 11/24/2015 10:25 PM, rlhar...@oplink.net wrote:
Yes; the CD images routinely are designed for USB booting.
No, I'm talking about disconnecting all hard disk drives and solid state 
drives, plugging in a USB flash drive, booting a Debian installer CD, 
and installing Debian onto the USB flash drive.  Debian then runs from 
the USB flash drive as if it were a HDD/ SDD -- e.g. /dev/sda.  Next, I 
install whatever tasksel package sets I want, install whatever apt/ 
dpkg/ *.deb packages I want, install whatever other software I want, and 
configure things how I want.  I now have a USB flash drive that I can 
boot in most other machines (up to ~10 years old) and have a Debian 
environment with exactly what I want.


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