I am attempting to recover data from a virus-damaged Windows machine. For this work, I wish to run debianlive with xfce desktop and clamav.
I found at: ttps://www.debian.org/CD/live/ ISO images for Jessie with xfce desktop. And debianlive includes synaptic, so it it fairly easy to install clamav; but my task would be simpler if I could create a debianlive ISO image which includes both xfce and clamav. Is there a HOWTO for this? Another motivation is the fact that not all of the packages in the debianlive ISO are the most recent release. I found a web page: https://www.maketecheasier.com/create-custom-debian-live-cd-through-the-web/ which creates a customized debianlive ISO, but the engine currently on line does not allow all of the customization which the web page advertises. Russ