On 08/28/2015 03:12 PM, Mike Castle wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 5:34 AM, Lev Lazinskiy <l...@levlaz.org> wrote:
>> 1. It is very approachable to anyone since a lot of people have already
>> used Stack Overflow.
>> 2. It has better search tools.
>> 3. Actual Answers float to the top (instead of having to read through en
>> endless stream of threads or forum pages). This is great and provides an
>> added value of creating a sort of mini knowledge base.
> Personally, I find all three of these points to be false (at least
> when it comes to SO style interfaces).
> 1. I hate having to have new userids and passwords just to use another
> damned site.

Discourse has Twitter, Facebook and Google OAuth which I will enable.
Also I am going to try to plug into the new Debian SSO.

> 2. I have more luck using a general search engine (in my case, Google)
> than SO's search.

Most Google searches for me result in a SO thread. The difference is
that when the result is a mailing list thread or a forum posting it is
hard to find the actual answer because its buried somewhere. More often
than not the "Accepted Answer" usually gets me to where I need to be in SO.

> 3. In SO I almost always have to read the entire thread anyway to get
> additional context about the top voted answer, and often it's not he
> best answer.
> Maybe this has more to do with the fact that I tend to hunt for harder
> questions.  Maybe that style works for nice simple questions, useful
> for those just starting out.  But once you need something meatier,
> just not as useful.

I agree on some of your other points. What do you think the best place
to find answers to the "hard" question is?
> mrc

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