On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 01:27:20PM +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> On Friday 28 August 2015 13:18:33 Lev Lazinskiy wrote:
> > I think that there is some value to have a Q&A style support
> > section
> Out of interest, what is wrong with the mailing list and the forum?

I personally have no problem with the mailing lists or forums. I think
some people (especially new comers) can get lost in mailing lists. Also
both mailing lists and forums are harder to search for actual answers to

I think a proper Q&A platform (i.e. not Shapado) solves a couple of
these problems. 

1. It is very approachable to anyone since a lot of people have already
used Stack Overflow. 

2. It has better search tools. 

3. Actual Answers float to the top (instead of having to read through en
endless stream of threads or forum pages). This is great and provides an
added value of creating a sort of mini knowledge base. 

Mailing lists and forums are great for when you have a specific
question. I think the Q&A format is better when you are randomly
searching for hints since it exposes potential answers and makes them
easier to find. 
> Lisi

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