Sorry for sending a response off list, I usually I double check the To
field before hitting send, but that didn't
happen this time.
On 8/12/2015 9:09 PM, Bret Busby wrote:
Since you have mentioned an "old" system, I should perhaps mention
that apparently, Linux has abandoned support for Celeron CPU's, as,
having installed ubuntu-mate 15.09 on my HP/Compaq NX5000 which has a
Celeron CPU, and the associated and subsequent problems, I have found
that the Celeron CPU's are apparently no longer supported by Linux, as
the kernels are incompatible with the Celeron CPU - a non-PAE issue,
This is one of those cases where you shouldn't make blanket statements,
there are newer Celeron processors that work fine, without having to do
anything special.
Celerons are designed to be cheap, so are always cut down in some way or
another compared to the rest of the
Intel line up. From what I can find quickly on Google looks like Celeron
M and Pentium M have the same issues
reltive to current day expectations and the Linux kernel, and I did see
that there was another reply with a link
that may help you with that.
Later, Seeker