> I am currently a Debian Jessie XFCE user. 
> I want to have your views on Gnome VS XFCE.
> I want to try Gnome but I want to know if Gnome is stable and works 
> constantly without freezing and crashing.
> Please share me your experience with Debian Gnome.
> With Kind Regards,
> Dwijesh

I haven't had trouble with Gnome3 on both a real laptop (low power Compaq with 
Intel graphics), and also on VMware virtual machines (although there were some 
hoops to jump through to avoid fallback mode for Debian 7). Debian 8 works 
seamlessly on VMware.

I also got Gnome3 running in the Jessie beta on a 9 year old desktop, without 
issue and it seemed to perform reasonably well.

I can't compare to XCFE since I haven't used that, but I do like Gnome 3.

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