Frank <> writes:

> On 05/28/2015 02:44 AM, Emil Payne wrote:
>> On 05/27/2015 10:16 PM, Charlie wrote:
>>> On Wed, 27 May 2015 21:06:10 -0400 Frank sent:
>>>> When I went into Thunderbird at mid-day one of my accounts with my
>>>> ISP registered a logon failure..despite the fact nothing
>>>> had changed.
>>> I have no answer. However, with my ISP I periodically have the same
>>> problem. I attempt to log on with claws-mail, without changing anything,
>>> no update, no upgrade to the system. No tinkering, nothing at all and of
>>> the two accounts one gives me this error message:
>>> Charlie
>> That's odd. I have 6 gmail and 8 yahoo accounts. Yesterday all six gmail
>> accounts wanted the passwords reentered. I have thunderbird set to
>> remember passwords. At first I couldn't even get anything to enter into
>> the password box, although the checkbox and buttons worked fine. I
>> restarted my computer and it immediately stopped, saying no keyboard
>> found, even though pushing F1 continued booting and ENTER worked at the
>> grub menu. Once booted in I restarted thunderbird and re-entered the
>> passwords as saved. Everything works fine now. At the time I had put it
>> down to intermittent power outages due to t-storms, but now I wonder.
>> Emil
>    The logon failure doesn't bother me as much as what the security
> department  at my ISP is claiming....that my system and that account
> have been compromised. I can't see how...but that's what they claim.
It might be possible that someone got hold of your password and is using
your ISPs relay to send out spam. I've seen that happen more than once
in real life.


"We will need a longer wall when the revolution comes."
    --- AJS, quoting an uncertain source.

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