On Sat, 2003-11-08 at 16:49, Pigeon wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 08, 2003 at 12:28:40PM -0600, Alex Malinovich wrote:
> > On Fri, 2003-11-07 at 23:00, Pigeon wrote:
> > > What happens if they get a keybounce while typing ^D ?
> > 
> > "keybounce"? You mean if they hit ^D with an empty command line?
> As in:
> (On a crappy keyboard)
> $ cat > somefile
> some gubbins
> some more gubbins
> ^D (but the key bounces, so you actually get ^D^D)
> logout
> debian login:
> ...or (Overconfident blind use of an xterm partially concealed by
> browser window, using sloppy focus)
> $ cst > somefile
> bash: cst: command not found
> (middle click to paste a URL) <return>
> bash: http://www.two-stroke-diesels.org: No such file or directory
> ^D
> (xterm vanishes)
> Or am I the only one who does this?

I generally use:

echo -e "some gubbins\nsome more gubbins\n" > somefile

(That's probably because I've gotten so used to using prints in Perl,
that I generally find it easier to specify a \n on an echo line, than to
hit Enter for STDIN. :)

Though in regards to my original reason for the question, the roomies
will probably never get comfortable enough with a CLI to get even close
to doing something like this. 

Alex Malinovich
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