On Fri, 2003-11-07 at 16:54, ScruLoose wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 07, 2003 at 02:58:48AM -0600, Alex Malinovich wrote:
> > 
> > If not, any other possibilities?
> Olkay, I see there's been plenty of discussion of the ins and outs of
> the self-locking one-shot root privilege thing. Neat idea, too; it's not
> something I ever thought of.
> OTOH I wonder about attacking the problem from a completely different
> angle:
> If you have access to a computer lab at school, you could maybe run an
> ssh daemon on your home machine (plus one of the free dyndns.org
> accounts if you've got dynamic IP to worry about).  Then you could just
> ssh in to the machine and do the maintenance yourself.

That's actually one of the reasons that I've waited so long to try and
tackle this problem. I've been happily SSH-ing into my server for quite
a while, especially when I have my laptop with me. (Running Debian of

Unfortunately, there are times during class (with no computers in the
room) that I need something done, and the only way to do it is over the
phone. There's also the issue of what happens if the network connection
goes down while I'm away. If I'm at home it's easy enough to fix, but
away from home it's impossible.

While I had thought of experimenting with voice activated commands over
the phone, it seems like too much work for the task at hand. (Though it
would certainly be quite an interesting project... :)

Alex Malinovich
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