On Fri, Dec 19, 2014 at 05:45:33AM -0300, Renaud OLGIATI wrote:
I plug in a USB pen drive, and launch dd  to copy an iso image.

# dd bs=4M if=debian-live-7.6.0-amd64-rescue.iso of=/dev/sdi && sync
dd: opening `/dev/sdi': Read-only file system

I guess that /dev/sdi is your USB pen drive? Does the pen drive have a read-only switch? I know some USB stick which have a hardware switch for read-only and read-write.

The output of dmesg may give more information.

Shade and sweet water!


| Stephan Seitz          E-Mail: s...@fsing.rootsland.net |
| Public Keys: http://fsing.rootsland.net/~stse/keys.html |

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