Am 11.11.2014 um 01:52 schrieb Miles Fidelman:
> Don Armstrong wrote:
>> On Mon, 10 Nov 2014, Miles Fidelman wrote:
>>> Ok, then explain to me the procedure for running the installer in such
>>> a way that systemd is never installed, thus avoiding any potential
>>> problems that might result from later uninstallation all the
>>> dependencies that systemd brings in with it.
>> If you think there are problems, please test this. If there are problems
>> with the late command, they are bugs, and they can be filed and fixed
>> early in the jessie freeze.
>>  From the testing I've done, this works just fine, and switches init
>> systems correctly.
> Frankly.  No.

So you admit that you don't actually experienced any actual problems and
you are just asserting it?
Thanks for being so blunt.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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