Matthias Urlichs <> writes:

> Hi,
> lee:
>> I'm sure we could find quite a few supporters for having a GR amongst
>> the users (here).
> We don't do a GR among our users. We do that among Debian
> members/maintainers/developers/take-your-pick.

I didn't suggest a GR amongst the users, though I did suggest to have a
vote here some time ago, for whatever it might be worth.

> Of those, most …
> * are perfectly happy with the TC's decision
> * can live with it
> * are unhappy, but think that to continue discussing this is way worse
>   than biting the bullet and getting on with actual work
>   * you do know that we plan to release Jessie sometime this decade,
>     right?
> * are disillusioned about it all and decided to stand aside
> Judging by the last couple of months, the rest appears to number <6 people.

This again supports the assumption that a GR, just as a TC decision,
might not be the right way to make a decision when it comes to systemd
and other decisions of comparable importance.

Again we must be afraid of speaking of daemons for fear that daemons
might swallow us.  Finally, this fear has become reasonable.

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