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On 13/10/2014 9:04 AM, lee wrote:
> Bas Wijnen <wij...@debian.org> writes:
>>> Considering that the users are Debians' priority, couldn't this
>>> issue be a case in which significant concerns from/of the users
>>> about an issue might initiate a GR?
>> No. Debian is a very elitist organization.  The members decide
>> what to do, and nobody else does.  As a whole we rule over our
>> users with enlightened absolutism.  The main difference with
>> rulers of countries is that our users can go away more easily.
>> ;-)
>> Debian is extremely democratic for its members, but it is
>> utterly undemocratic for its users.  And there's nothing wrong
>> with that, IMO.
> Then they shouldn't say in their social contract that the users
> and their needs are the priority.


> There can be many reasons for why there hasn't been a GR.  Some of
> these may be that the devs/maintainers don't really care about the
> init system, or that they aren't aware of how far-reaching this
> issue is.

Absolutely, 2000+ posts since the decision... and that's just posts
with systemd in the subject line -- it's not 1000+

This is a much more far-reaching issue than many understand, it only
started as an init system replace.  The systemd people want to make a
"real operating system" out of this and the level of over reach is
amazing, their evil plan gets legs when DDs don't understand the scope
either as users, sysadmins or just as developers.  Unfortunately, it
seems that the DDs can't see the bigger picture or there is just far
too much apathy to deal with the problem that they've allowed to creep
in to place.

> I think I don't need to convince 6 people on this list because
> there are already enough people convinced.

If 6 or even 60 can't come forward now, that re-enforces the fact that
they aren't taking this issue seriously -- non DD users and sysadmins
don't count, not even those with a long history of supporting Debian
without being DDs.


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