
Dňa Sat, 20 Sep 2014 01:51:56 +1200 Chris Bannister
<cbannis...@slingshot.co.nz> napísal:

> On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 05:04:02PM +0100, J Rowan wrote:
> > 
> > I'm aware that nothing can possibly be set in stone yet, but the
> > people responsible for systemd-shim and other compatibility
> > components must have a fair idea whether these are intended as
> > temporary workarounds until 'all' packages are compatible with
> > systemd, or whether they are expected to remain permanent parts of
> > Debian.
> Right. But also consider:
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=746578
> Don't worry, the issue is being treated very seriously.

Thanks for this link!

I read it carefully to learn more about root of today's problems, which
i see in Debian and i want to write, that i don't understand this.

I am a long Debian user and use it in most of my servers and all my
home machines (include wife's and daughter's machines). During these
years i was fully satisfied and appreciated how are changes implemented
here and i see the DD and DM as responsible people, which carefully
consider all changes from different point of view before they are
applied. AS result of my complacence i start to contribute by way, with
i can help (mostly translations). In these years i see, how things
become better, problems become solved, etc. Great work from all

But in last year or two i see, that something is changing away from
this direction and all seems to get the apex with the systemd. I not
mean that the systemd becomes default - i never care about defaults
(and i use recommended defaults only sometime). But in last time i have
feeling, that the users becomes the latest and the topmost is
somethings as self-promotion, which i consider as bad direction and
from link you provided i see, that i am not only one. I feel, that some
maintainers know better than users, what is best for them (users).
Terrible to continue, when one become on the second rail.

In these years i found as terrible to communicate only with two or three
maintainers (or maintainer(s) of two or three packages?), where they was
not able to accept, that their package(s) can have a bug. These
problems i solved by selecting alternative package. But now...

Is now a time to forgot at trust that the DD and DM know what they are
doing? What will be follow?



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