On 14Sep18:1301-0400, David L. Craig wrote:

> Ironically, I have been recovering
> from some strange Sid upgrade issues involving systemd for
> past half day--I'm still uncertain what went south, but I
> seem to be back with /sbin/init for now.  Unfortunately,
> Sid seems to break my toys at the worst times.  Sigh...

Opened 762146 about this after repeating it in a vm installed
from the beta D-I netinstl without network mirror for a
minimal dist-upgrade to Sid, in case anyone is interested.
<not cent from sell>
May the LORD God bless you exceedingly abundantly!

"So the universe is not quite as you thought it was.
 You'd better rearrange your beliefs, then.
 Because you certainly can't rearrange the universe."

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