On 17/09/14 17:05, Bret Busby wrote:
> On 17/09/2014, Scott Ferguson <scott.ferguson.debian.u...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 17/09/14 15:16, Bret Busby wrote:
>>> Hello.
>>> With the recently posted fix for the Microsoft attempt to close down
>>> skype; the fix involving the use of a hex editor, to cause faking the
>>> skype version number, to pretend to be 4.3 (I think it is that version
>>> number that is needed), I am wondering whether anyone has successfully
>>> attempted to do that to skype version 2.2.

>> Yes


>> Hex editor not necessary.
>> As root run the following 2 lines in bash:-
>> cp /usr/bin/skype{,.bak}
>> Old=$(skype -v | head -n1 | cut -d " " -f2);sed -i "s/$Old/"
>> /usr/bin/skype
>> You can check the change off-line, as normal user:-
>> skype -v
>> Kind regards
> Hello.
> Thanks for the suggestion.
> However, ...
> "
> :~# cp /usr/bin/skype{,.bak}

No errors, so you have a backup of the original at /usr/bin/skype.bak

> root@bret-dd-workstation:~# Old=$(skype -v | head -n1 | cut -d " "
> -f2);sed -i "s/$Old/"

$Old 'should' hold your current skype version string.

$ skype -v
Copyright (c) 2004-2013, Skype

That's what MS checks before allowing you to connect to the network. If
the version is less than 4.3.x you get this message:-
http://ge.tt/3a2yGKx1/v/0 (AdBlock recommended).

sed -i "s/$Old/"
'should'replace your current version string with one that'll allow you
to connect. Perhaps you are running an old version of sed?

Wheezy with backports enabled:-
sed 4.2.1-10

Try replacing $Old with your current version (from `skype -v`)
e.g. as root:-
sed -i "s/"

Which 'should' result in:-
skype -v
Copyright (c) 2004-2013, Skype

Which then connects to the Skype P2P network, and shows this version in
the About info:-
http://ge.tt/3a2yGKx1/v/1?c (AdBlock recommended).

> (<unknown>:4748): Gtk-WARNING **:
> /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/libclearlooks.so: wrong ELF class:

Sorry, means nothing to me

> sed: no input files
> "
> Then, I re-read the message above, and figured that gmail had wrapped
> the second line, so I tried
> "
> :~# Old=$(skype -v | head -n1 | cut -d " " -f2);sed -i
> "s/$Old/"  /usr/bin/skype

Again, sorry, I don't know that error.


Kind regards

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