On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 1:43 PM, Steve Litt <sl...@troubleshooters.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 5 May 2014 12:38:57 +0300
> Andrei POPESCU <andreimpope...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Lu, 05 mai 14, 04:58:14, Tom H wrote:
>>> On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 4:29 AM, François Patte
>>> <francois.pa...@mi.parisdescartes.fr> wrote:

>>>> I would like to boot in console mode from the grub screen (ie not
>>>> in graphic mode), but I don't want to be in single user mode,
>>>> ie.: I want to have a "normal boot" without X.
>>>> I can't find any tuto for grub2 installed on my system.
>>> This is a function of initramfs-tools and not of grub.
>>> Add "text" to the kernel cmdline.
>> This is actually a feature implemented in the initscript of some
>> display managers. E.g. /etc/init.d/lightdm has this
>> if grep -wqs text /proc/cmdline; then
>>     log_warning_msg "Not starting Light Display Manager (lightdm);
>> found 'text' in kernel commandline." [...]
>> fi
>> Last time I looked into it this feature wasn't supported by all
>> display managers, most notably kdm.
> I'm confused. Wasn't what the OP wanted a boot in regular text mode, no
> GUI, no framebuffer, just ascii codes straight to the monitor? That
> happens *a long time* before the display manager runs.
> ...
> So, what I want to know is, would adding "text" to the end guarantee no
> framebuffer? On one of my computers, the video card throws a
> framebuffer so strange that my Samsung monitor takes literally 45
> seconds to find it, and by that time most of the boot messages are gone.

All that the OP has asked for is to 'have a "normal boot" without X',
which means to me (and it seems Andrei) to boot without launching X
not without a framebuffer. And adding "text" allows some DMs' init
scripts to exit without launching the DM.

> <rant>
> Just like there were several different answers to the OP's question in
> this thread, there are tens of different, often contradictory, answers
> on the web, every one of them thinking *they're* the answer because it
> worked on their particular setup. This is an indication of either
> abysmal Grub project documentation, or abysmal user interface decisions,
> or abysmal code, none of which is good.
> It's a shame that in their quest for graphicalization, the Grub people
> have made a simple, no gui, no framebuffer boot, like we all took for
> granted in 1998, require several hours of web searches and
> experimentation to implement on a given distro/videocard/monitor combo.
> The minute a bootloader comes along that can do UEFI booting, read the
> disk as a filesystem instead of as a sector, and make it reasonably
> easy to boot no gui, no framebuffer, I'll be kicking that stupid Grub2
> to the curb and never looking back.
> </rant>

>From your thread last month:

Try "GRUB_TERMINAL="console" and "GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX="text" in
"/etc/default/grub" for a text console.

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