Andrei POPESCU writes:
 > On Mi, 15 ian 14, 16:53:15, Jarth Berilcosm wrote:
 > > 
 > > Computers are cheap crap because they can be made to be cheap crap. The 
 > > production proces permits this.
 > Of course it does, as it is possible to make knifes that don't cut (not 
 > sharpened, bad quality steel, etc.). IMNSHO the problem is with 
 > consumers that buy such crap instead of voting with their money.

I think that you are partially right: people is under massive bombing
by advertisements and other such messages that they 'must' have these
'technological marvels' [1].

Most of these bombed ones lack the  know how required to resist to the
bombing itself,  and their only  judgment meter  is "how much  does it

[1]  After all  programs  within computers  animate  the brute  matter
creating immaterial servants, and that  is magic. And the problem with
magic is that for each real sorcerer you find ten thousand charlatans.

 /\           ___                                    Ubuntu: ancient
/___/\_|_|\_|__|___Gian Uberto Lauri_____               African word
  //--\| | \|  |   Integralista GNUslamico            meaning "I can
\/                 coltivatore diretto di software       not install
     giĆ  sistemista a tempo (altrui) perso...                Debian"

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