Vincent Lefevre wrote at 2014-01-06 19:45 -0600:
> On 2014-01-05 21:58:12 -0600, green wrote:
> > I recommend "sdcv", which is the StarDict equivalent of "dict", but
> > requiring no dictd server.
> Thanks. I've reported the following bugs:

>     sdcv: doesn't word-wrap

You can use `fold` for that.  In fact, here is what I use:

$ sdcv -n --utf8-output --color "$@" 2>&1 | fold --width=$COLUMNS | less -FRX

The `--color` option is new in 0.5.0, and you may need to use
`$(tput cols)` instead of `$COLUMNS` if running from a script.

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