On 2014-01-04 15:41:19 -0500, Jeff Bauer wrote:
> On 01/04/2014 01:38 PM, Slavko wrote:
> >Dňa Sat, 04 Jan 2014 17:57:42 +0100 François Patte
> ><francois.pa...@mi.parisdescartes.fr> napísal:
> >
> >>I tried to install stardict <snip>
> >
> >The StarDict's development seems to be ended.
> >
> Five or more years ago when still enamored with Puppy Linux, I discovered
> that Puppy's PBDict was just a gooey GUI wrapper for the application dict.
> Deciding to forego the clumsy GUI and mouse, I started just issuing "dict
> foo" in a terminal. Since then, first with Arch, and Debian, dict is perhaps
> one of my most frequently used apps.
> Another thing I did was to install dictionary databases locally, as I was
> virtually crippled when dict.org's servers were offline.

There aren't French dictionaries for dict, while IIRC there's one
for StarDict. That may be the reason why the OP wants StarDict.

Vincent Lefèvre <vinc...@vinc17.net> - Web: <http://www.vinc17.net/>
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