Ralf Mardorf grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
> "Assumed I would post a link, is it ok to post a link with similar
> content? Perhaps interesting for the one who posted the link too."
> I'm not kidding. The link was useful for the topic and I quoted from

The "topic" has been *off* topic for this particular mailing list for
some time now.  Despite a gentle suggestion a while ago that it would be
better taken somewhere else, you've stubbornly insisted on dragging that
discussion out here.  Just sayin'....

> this link, that wasn't posted by me, but it really might be, that I
> would post another useful link, that might also contain words, that are
> considered as "bad" words.

Posting a link is one thing, quoting from it is another.  Regardless of
whether it originated with you or you're simply repeating it, you're the
one posting the words (whatever they may be) here when you add them to
your message.  So if they're words that go against the code of conduct,
then you're the one violating that code; not the person or source that
you're quoting from.

"But mom, *I* didn't say it - I was just repeating the 'naughty word' I
heard at school today."  Didn't matter - I still got soap in my mouth. :-)


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