Camaleón <> writes:

> On Sat, 15 Sep 2012 20:59:30 +0200, lee wrote:
>> Camaleón <> writes:
>>> Debian people has done a marvelous work with thteir documentation and
>>> this step (Partitioning) is very well explained there¹ (even it has a
>>> separate Appendix!).
>>> ¹
>> Just give users a way to find and to read this information while they
>> are using the installer without requiring them to have anything but the
>> installer and the computer they are trying to install on.
> That's absurd. You are not going to install an OS in the middle of nowhere, 
> dude, so you print the manual (or just the sections you are interested in) 
> and you can read it while installing.

1.) I don't have a working computer to find and print manuals with.
    First I need to install Debian (or have that working system).

2.) I don't have a printer.  Do you really still print something?

3.) I don't want this paper crap, I don't have room for it and I hate

4.) During the installation, I might come across something that isn't
    (sufficiently) covered in the manual, something unforeseen (so I
    didn't print the pages I would need) or just something I want to
    know more about before I proceed with the installation.

5.) When I have a working system before installing, I can take my time
    to learn before I start to install, and I might even be able to use
    the system for things that aren't related to the installation.  That
    takes away any pressure to install which might be there because I
    need a working computer.

6.) Consider some excited impatience when someone has this shiny new
    computer in front of him after they just assembled the parts after
    those finally arrived in the mail or at the dealer.  The CD/DVD goes
    in and they start the installation because they want their computer
    to work.  The option to print manuals and whatever doesn't exist
    before the thing works.  I can't go to my neighbours and block
    their computer for a week or two or how long ever it takes until I
    manage to successfully finish the installation.  I want a working
    system _now_.

7.) If it's not 6.), it may be that a friend gave me the installer
    CD/DVD and I'm eager to try it out because I have heard so many good
    things about Linux.  I have installed OSs before, so how hard can it
    be?  The CD/DVD goes into the drive and there I go --- until I get
    stuck.  Wow great, I can even switch to a working system and find
    out what I need to know!  How cool is that!  Linux is awesome!

It's absurd to assume that people have another working computer at hand,
that they know what manuals to print in advance ...

Anyway, the problem is solved already, Debian has a life installer image
you can use.  I'll try it when I set up my VM.

Debian testing amd64

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