Andrei POPESCU <> writes:

> On Jo, 13 sep 12, 04:16:07, Weaver wrote:
>> >
>> > This is not about you and me, or any debian-user subscriber AFAICT. It's
>> > about the type of users that regard the computer as a tool and have no
>> > desire to learn about its workings. After all, one can drive a car quite
>> > well without knowing much about internal combustion engines.
>> That's right.
>> Once they have ownership of the car - as a parallel to a successful install.
>> Hard to drive a car without one.
> Assembling your own car from a kit is quite rare ;)
You need to put a line of text into the kits that enables clueless
assemblers to make educated decisions about driving and the market share
of cars built from assembly-kits will greatly increase.

When the assemblers refuse to make such difficult decisions, have the
assembly kits default to fixed positions of the steering wheels and let
the assemblers find out that they can't steer while they are driving.
It is more important that people have the means to drive around freely
than that they can drive because cars built from assembly-kits must have
a greater market share, and people need more choices and must not be put
off.  Who knows, they might even come up with more car-assembly-kits.

Debian testing amd64

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