On Lu, 10 sep 12, 19:30:47, Weaver wrote:
> >
> > OEM versions of Windows have been always there (in fact, most of the
> > notebooks/netbooks only provide the OEM version). For desktop computers
> > or servers that you can build by yourself, it's easier to get an empty
> > disk and then "buy" a copy of the full (non-OEMized) Windows installation
> > disk (well, "buy" enclosed in quotes because a high percent of Windows
> > users do not pay a cent for their OS, you know...).
> I think you have to keep those ones off-line?

That would mean 70-80% of Romanian home users[1] (and lots of SOHO users 
too) should be offline. Yeah, right!

I've seen a completely remastered Windows XP install iso of about 250 
MB, with all Service Packs available at the time applied and several 
other common tweaks to increase network performance and such, all 
explained during the installation (instead of the usual marketing 

The advances in Windows-cracking technology have been amazing ;)

Unfortunately updates are turned off (of course), which makes those 
systems easy prey for viruses/worms/etc. and they end up in botnets :(

[1] not 90%+ anymore, because laptops are often bought with Windows 

Kind regards,
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