On Sunday 27 May 2012 22:21:39 you wrote:
> On Sat, May 26, 2012 at 7:17 PM, Lisi <lisi.re...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Saturday 26 May 2012 12:43:45 you wrote:
> >> > I prefer to use aptitude full-upgrade routinely - but I have the code
> >> > name in my sources.list, not stable or testing.  I then change the
> >> > code name when I want to get the more recent version.  So, Squeeze not
> >> > stable, Muhammad.  you could get in quite a mess at the changeover
> >> > point from Squeeze to Wheezy if you have stable in your sources.list,
> >> > as several people have pointed out.
> >>
> >> if i use Squeeze (the code name) instead stable, sid or anything.
> >> should i not to worry about system crash? is it what people here mean
> >> to say (who support code name "squeeze" ) that if i "apt-get
> >> upgrade/full-upgrade/safe-upgrade" will not crash my system if using
> >> squeeze. because what i am worried about  here is system crash.
> >
> > I'm afraid that I don't understand you. Why should you have a system
> > crash?

> i know my question regarding comparing Windows and Linux a bit
> annoying,

No, it is not annoying - merely somewhat difficult to follow.  Here, we have 
been an all-Unix house for some years.  We were all-Linux until recently, but 
my granddaughter has a new laptop, which is a Mac with OSX, so still Unix.  
So I am not very au fait with Windows problems.

> but i had bad experiences with upgrading windows from one 
> version to another one. and in linux i just run the command "ap-get
> upgrade" and after few minutes i was working in wheezy regardless of
> sid or testing (so the simplicity of the process left me very
> confuse). i know how patches and service packs in
> windows can turn people's life to nightmare. actually i am the only
> resource in system and network in my company and i am the only one who
> is motivating management to shift to linux. so i am a bit scared.
> because this is new world to me.

Your description of life under Windows shows why many of us simply don't use 

In your shoes most of us would be scared.  Well, I certainly would be.  It's a 
huge responsibility, and the buck stops with you!

> however i learn too much from this thread and from this mailing list.
> i am thankful to everyone for sharing your views/thoughts/suggestions
> . i know  remaining confusions will be clears after getting use to
> with linux.

Just ask whenever there is something you don't understand.  One of the 
beauties of this list is that it is a) large and b) worldwide.  So, what with 
all the different time zones there is always someone around.  

And yes, you will soon get used to Linux.  But from what you say, I really 
would stick to Squeeze for now, provided that it is OK on your hardware.  Get 
it going rock-solid and you will soon win converts.  Time enough to fly in 
the rarefied regions of pinning and mixed systems when you have really found 
your feet.

Good luck!

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