On Tue, 2003-10-07 at 17:37, Vineet Kumar wrote:
> Yes, spamc will lighten the load on your server as compared to running
> spamassassin on each message individually.  spamc is a small C program
> that just pipes the message to an already-running spamd process.
> spamassassin (and spamd) run in perl.  Starting up perl is a lot more
> costly than running spamc.  Since this cost is multiplied by the number
> of inbound mails you want to check, small savings add up quickly.

I'm currently using procmail -> spamassassin (not spamc) and notice the
system load to some degree...  If I switched to spamd/spamc, would
spamassassin still store each user's settings/bayes DBs in their
~/.spamassassin/ directory?  At the current time, this is a major
advantage for my configuration.

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