Scott Ferguson wrote:
> Bob Proulx wrote:
> > No, please, no.  Think of the kittens.
> But I *am* thinking of kittens, and picturing fur lined slippers, hats,
> the dog's "exotic" fur winter jacket, and, native wildlife...
> Oh, wait - I see what you mean.

You crack me up.  :-)

> If the default is No (Don't install snippet - don't modify my
> sources.list[*1], send mail notification to system) then:-
> # apt-get -y install X
> will rob you of your favourite game (not to be confused with a tasty
> Mexican sauce made with avocado).

Right now the default is explicitly Yes since those Evil packages
include files there unconditionally.

> [*1] it's easier to scan /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ than to cat
> /etc/apt/sources.list

That is six of one and a half dozen of another.

> > They would really be unhappy on Tuesday with an MS system and the
> > large patches there.
> Instead they're *really* happy, and productive. Many have recently moved
> to Squeeze from Lenny which gives them improved performance *without*
> needing new hardware. Fat chance of doing that with MS[*2].
> As a bonus (because we make their DE purdy) they aren't all demanding
> fondle-slabs.
> [*2] the nasty disease *with* a known cure.

Yes.  The cure for at least one of them is a move to Debian. :-)


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