Scott Ferguson wrote:
> Bob Proulx wrote:
> > Scott Ferguson wrote:
> >> It would be preferable is the installer notified the admin when
> >> creating a snippet,
> > 
> > Hmm...  I am not sure how that would work.
> ?
> Add a dialog question to the installation routine.
> Package X is about to create an entry in /etc/apt/sources.list.d - do
> you want to proceed? Y/N/huh?

No, please, no.  Think of the kittens.

> Most of the time is not all of the time :-)
> I can think of several "install by wget $something && dpkg -i" cases
> where an entry is added to /etc/apt/sources.list.d

Thankfully I have zero of those.  My sources.list.d is empty of any
files other than mine.

> Opera is just one. It'll happily install a duplicate entry into
> /etc/apt/sources.list if you already have one. But that's not from the
> debian repository so that's different from the case of googleearth-package

I haven't looked at Google Earth.  Thanks for the heads up about it.

> To be clear I'm not complaining - I know to check
> /etc/apt/sources.list.d and convert *.list to *.save if not required.
> Some people will get caught out though.

I was burned by it.  Which is how I discovered that feature had
entered Debian.  Once burned I am now opposed to it.  One of those
features that could have been used for good but was abused and used
for evil.

> > I would be perfectly okay if there were an additional meta-package 
> > that included dependencies and whose sole purpose was to set up a 
> > sources.list line.  Then I would avoid the installation of that 
> > package and say, well, it is probably useful for some poor
> > unfortunate soul.  But I would blacklist it.
> I'd settle for a dialog question.

That increases the interative noise.  It is already very noisy.  I
spend a lot of time playing wack-a-mole trying to keep it automated.

> That was done as soon as we discovered it in response to complaints
> (users with prepaid internet don't like it when they don't know why
> their quota has been exceeded),

They would really be unhappy on Tuesday with an MS system and the
large patches there.

> it also made a mess of our test before deploy updates policy. From
> memory it was something like updatenotifierkde, part of a meta
> package.

  $ apt-cache search update notifier
  update-notifier-kde - Update notifier for the KDE Plasma Desktop
  update-notifier-common - Files shared between update-notifier and adept
  update-notifier - Daemon which notifies about package updates

I don't have any of those installed.


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