On Fri, Sep 19, 2003 at 09:23:26PM -0400, Wayne Topa wrote:
> Derrick 'dman' Hudson([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is reported to have said:
> > The other suggestions assume you have "unlimited" bandwidth.  If,
> > however, you don't then you may find 'popsneaker' to be helpful.  It
> > allows you to delete messages from the pop server after downloading
> > only the headers.
> > 
> > ISTR that other similar tools exist, but popsneaker is the only name I
> > remember.
> might the other be mailfilter. I am using it to delete this MS junt,
> at the pop server.

apt-cache show mailfilter would seem to support that :-)

popsneaker unfortunately doesn't appear to be in Debian, and its home
site <http://www.ixtools.de/popsneaker/> is giving me 111, but
according to Google's cache it would be possible to download a .deb if
the site was working.


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