At 2003-09-19T05:25:43Z, Paul Mackinney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> 2. Once my domain is registered again, can it be transfered to a different
> registrar without a loss of service. Recommendations? I'd like to go with
> a business that thinks you should make a second attempt to contact someone
> if an email bounces.

I can't help with the first part, but the answer to this is a definite
"yes".  I've had great luck with Domain Monger
(  They have a web interface with instanteous
updates, and their support desk is actually helpful.

If order to transfer your domain to Domain Monger, you have to pay them for
one year of service ($17, I think).  However, they *add that year to the
end* of your correct registration, so you don't lose any money that you
weren't going to spend anyway.  I imagine that other registrars have the
same deal.
Kirk Strauser

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