On Mi, 01 dec 10, 12:45:39, Johannes Wiedersich wrote:
> Last time I used this it took many hours on an 200GB file system on an
> 'ordinary' hard disk.
> > That was my thinking. Can unison be used for the entire system (not 
> > just some files under my /home)?
> I have never done this; I use rsync for '/' backups. I read 'no need' 
> as 'you can use it as an ordinary user' and not as 'you cannot use it 
> as root'. It should be straightforward to try. ;-)

At the moment unison seems to be my best option, because it should be 
much more efficient, can deal with conflicts and wouldn't require a 
reinstall (or major shift of data) to create the RAID.

I'll try it out as soon as I have the SD card (probably next week) and 
report back here.

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