Gregory Seidman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003:09:07:16:54:14-0400] scribed:
> On Sun, Sep 07, 2003 at 03:37:43PM -0500, Michael D Schleif wrote:
> } Marc Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003:09:07:10:54:06-0700] scribed:
> } > On Fri, Sep 05, 2003 at 06:26:05PM -0700, Bill Moseley wrote:
> } > >    mutt.vt100.translations:  #override \n\
> } > >             None<Btn4Down>:  string(<<) \n\
> } > >             None<Btn5Down>:  string(>>) \n
> } > 
> } > Well, that's not going to work.  Mutt is a console-mode application, and
> } > doesn't participate in the X resource database.  What you want to do is
> } > direct resource changes to the xterm you're running it in.
> AFAIK, I'm the one who came up with this X resource hack in the first
> place. It works, but not because mutt pays any attention to it. It only
> works in a genuine xterm, however, which has been started with -n mutt or
> -T mutt (which is what makes it pick up resources for mutt.vt100).
> } Actually, it *does* work -- for a time -- as I have indicated; or, at
> } least this does for me:
> } 
> }    mutt.vt100.translations:   #override \
> }             None<Btn4Down>:   string(<<) \n\
> }             None<Btn5Down>:   string(>>) \n
> } 
> } However, it does not last more than a couple hours, after which it is
> } entirely useless.
> Check to see whether you are always using an xterm invoked with the title
> and/or icon set to mutt. It won't pick up the resources otherwise. If you
> really find that such an xterm still doesn't work, see whether appres mutt
> gives you the expected resources. If not, something is changing your
> resources behind your back and you should find out what.

Yes, your suggestion *does* work -- for a brief time -- then, its
behaviour changes, as I've noted in this thread.  No, appres does *NOT*
indicate _any_ changes at all; as a matter of fact, I have documented
that appres output _during_ and _after_ the scroll wheel works as
expected are absolutely *identical* -- in other words, I have not been
able to use that tool to ascertain the root cause to my problem.

Any other ideas?

> } Please, review intertwined comments below:
> } 
> } > Take a look at the attached... perhaps it does what you want.
> } 
> } What I really, really want to do with the mouse is to use the scroll
> } wheel to _slowly_ page up and page down -- one line at a time -- in the
> } pager while reading _l-l-l-o-o-o-n-n-n-g-g-g_ messages.  Your suggestion
> } does *not* do that for me . . .
> If you want single lines, instead of two lines at a time, change << and >>
> to < and >, respectively.

No, while is is working, your suggestion does _exactly_ as I desire.
The problem, of course, is that this behaviour is short lived, and I
cannot get it to persist ;<

Thank you, for your ideas.

Best Regards,

mds resource
Dare to fix things before they break . . .
Our capacity for understanding is inversely proportional to how much
we think we know.  The more I know, the more I know I don't know . . .

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