On Fri, Sep 05, 2003 at 06:26:05PM -0700, Bill Moseley wrote:
>    mutt.vt100.translations:  #override \n\
>             None<Btn4Down>:  string(<<) \n\
>             None<Btn5Down>:  string(>>) \n

Well, that's not going to work.  Mutt is a console-mode application, and
doesn't participate in the X resource database.  What you want to do is
direct resource changes to the xterm you're running it in.

Take a look at the attached... perhaps it does what you want.

 Marc Wilson |     It is common sense to take a method and try it.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] |     If it fails, admit it frankly and try another.  But
             |     above all, try something.  -- Franklin D. Roosevelt

# do mouse bindings for mutt that I find useful:
#       mousewheel scrolls single lines
#       shift-mousewheel scrolls two lines
#       ctrl-mousewheel scrolls four lines
#       ctrl-button3 is <enter>
#       shift-button3 is <q>
#       alt-button3 is <M>

# also remove LC_ALL setting (if it exists) and set LANG and LC_COLLATE so that
# mutt sorts as I expect (en_US has *odd* ideas about how to sort for English
# speakers!).  From searching in Google, the oddisms in en_US have been there
# for a LONG time, and no one seems to think enough of it to fix them....

unset LC_ALL
export LANG=en_US

# depend on ~/.xsession to have set the AAREALBIGTERM env variable.
# it's just an xterm with custom font settings...

     -title "[ Mail for `whoami` @ `hostname` ]" \
     -xrm 'XTerm*VT100.Translations: #override \n\
") \n\
           Shift<Btn3Down>,<Btn3Up>:string("q") \n\
           Alt<Btn3Down>,<Btn3Up>:string("M") \n\
           Ctrl<Btn4Down>,<Btn4Up>:string("OAOAOAOA") \n\
           Ctrl<Btn5Down>,<Btn5Up>:string("OBOBOBOB") \n\
           Shift<Btn4Down>,<Btn4Up>:string("OAOA") \n\
           Shift<Btn5Down>,<Btn5Up>:string("OBOB") \n\
           <Btn4Down>,<Btn4Up>: string("OA") \n\
           <Btn5Down>,<Btn5Up>: string("OB")\n\ ' \
     -e mutt -y

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