
* Li-Ren Zhou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030826 10:31]:
> Hi,
> I'm somewhat new to linux in general.

I'll keep this in mind. 

Firstly, please start a _new_ thread if you wish to start a new topic
on this list. ie. write a fresh email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
rather than replying to an existing email. Additionally, when replying
to list mail please send your mail to the list only.

> I was just wondering what was a good tool for burning/ripping cd's
> (audio and bin/cue).

Copying audio cd's can be done quite easily with xcdroast. Encoding
audio cds to mp3's or oggs can be done with grip.



PS. Both xcdroast and grip are just gui front ends to lower level
tools (cdda2wav, cdrecord, oggenc etc.). Once you become more familiar
with linux you may find it easier to use these tools directly.

Debian testing/unstable
Linux twofish 2.6.0-test3-looxt93c1 i686 GNU/Linux

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