On Mon, 25 Aug 2003 21:11:40 +0200
Alfredo Valles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tuesday 26 August 2003 2:49 am, Johann Koenig wrote:
> > Hmm .. that sounds just like Knoppix! Why, that already exists!
> I'm just saying that the system is good and that it works, not that
> it's original or that I invented it.

I didn't say it was original/you invented it. I said it already exists.
Why reinvent the wheel?

> And, of course, knoppix do that too. But that's not what knoppix is
> for. There would be many things that can be better adjusted if the
> purpose of CD were only to deliver to you a debian suitable for
> desktop uses. The most important that I can think now is to guarantee
> the upgradeability of the system.
> > Have you used tasksel? It should do at least the fonts.
> Believe me there are many details to take care if you are like me that
> like to have everything others have on red hat or suse.

I use the meta package x-window-system-core to get base functionality,
and get what I want as I need it. There are probably meta packages for
Gnome/KDE also. I don't use those, they would bog the crap out of my
900mhz 768mb box.

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 -- Yeah, I've done it by accident, but only when the Reply-to, etc. is
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-johann koenig
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